Ideas for connecting to nature everyone

Ages Four to Seven

  • Take leisurely walks - around the block, in the garden or a local park, allowing them to follow their interests.
  • Plan fast growing seeds together (beans, radishes, marigolds, etc.) and watch them grow. 
  • Find a place in your area where you have a clear view of the sun rising. Arrive just before sunrise and build anticipation for the first glimpse of the sun, then cheer when the sun is fully visible. Take a fun breakfast to eat outdoors. 
  • Observe the moon in its different phases. This may inspire conversation and evoke a sense of wonder.
  • Invite children to be friend a tree. Help them to notice changes in the tree at each season and encourage them to take photographs or create drawings of the tree as the seasons change. Save them and bring them out as the seasons pass.
  • Camp in the woods or take a moonlit walk by a lake. This can inspire awe and spark curiosity.
  • Take a walk in the rain and jump in the puddles.
  • Create a "Things I Love About the Earth Bulletin Board". Change the theme seasonally to reflect the weather or whatever else inspires you! Invite children to put their drawings, thoughts, poetry on the bulletin board (or side of the refrigerator).

We are OPENING for 2020-2021 School Year with EXPANDED OUTDOOR Classrooms!

School starts September 14th!

Visitation Days:Outside with Masks (parents)

September 9th:
3's from 10:00-10:45am
Half Day 4s from 11:00 to 11:45

September 10th:
Full Day 4s 10:00-10:45am
Kindergarten: 11:00 to 11:45

94 Tindall Road
Middletown, NJ




What is nature school?

Westminster Nature Preschool is a unique nature preschool in Monmouth County. The preschool is an extension of the Westminster Presbyterian Church. We explore the outdoors every day in all safe weather conditions. We plant a garden in the spring and nurture it until the harvest when the proceeds are donated to Lunch Break as part of the church’s mission. Nature hikes and exploring the outdoors are an integral part of our curriculum as we observe and note the changing of the seasons. We provide a stimulating, loving environment for unstructured, child guided play where every child can become an independent learner. The indoor classrooms are set up to encourage the children to explore their environment actively with all of their senses.

Ideas for connecting to nature everyone

Ages Newborn to Four 

  • Even the youngest infant can experience nature from a stroller or bassinet. Try finding a spot under a tree where they can experience the wind, light and shadows while taking in the sounds of birds, animals and insects.
  • As part of a bedtime routine say goodnight to the moon, the stars or their favorite tree.
  • Take frequent walks with children when you can be leisurely, allowing them to follow their interests. Encourage them to explore every yard - all the bushes, flowers, trees, etc. Remind them not to harm the garden they are exploring.
  • Lie down with your child under a tree and look up through the branches. Encourage them to listen past the city sounds and hear the sounds of nature.
  • Lie down and look up at the night sky. Gently encourage conversation about the wonder and awe of so many stars.
  • Sit comfortably together and watch raindrops on the window. Trace the patterns the raindrops make with your fingers.

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