Contact Us

94 Tindall Road
Middletown, NJ




Session I June 10 to June 13
Plants: Green Thumbs Up

Session II June 17 to June 20
Bugs: The Great Bug Hunt

Session III June 24 to June 27

Art: Happy Accidents

July 1-4  NO Camp

Session IV July 8-11

Music & Dance: Everybody Dance Now

Session V July 15  to July 18
Sports: Champions League

Session VI July 22 to July 25
STEAM: Mad Scientists

Camp is from 9-12 Monday through Thursday.

Weather permitting each day of camp will be held outdoors. Hikes and water play in the form of sprinklers and water tables will end each daily session.
Campers should arrive in their swimsuits with bug spray and sunscreen applied. Each camper will need the following labeled items each day:
Change of clothes
Refillable water bottle
Water shoes/flip flops
Healthy snack *nut free*

Please return the enrollment form to the front desk and the $25 per week reservation fee. Full
tuition is due the week prior to the selected camp’s start.